
Important information for authors

Call for papers

Submission of abstracts

Final program

Scientific comittee and organizers



The National micro-robot National Contest and Seminar, HISPABOT 2003, kindly asks for scientific communications for its first edition, which will take place at the Politechnic-Scool of the University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain), during the 29th and 30th of April 2003.
HISPABOT wishes to be a meeting point for Latin American and Spanish researchers in the areas of interest related to micro-robotics. A nice-atmosphere environment where works-presentations and sharing of knowledge is strongly intended to be provided.
The seminar is open to lecturers and researchers of other countries. Official languages will be Spanish and English.
The seminar calls for papers in which original works are described, whether from a teaching point of view or from a research one as well, about any of the subjects that keep in touch with micro-robotics. They must keep any relation with it, or an application in a micro-robotics field might be proposed too. In order to simplify the evaluation, organization and presentation procedures, the areas are structures, though not being exclusive, as follows:


1. Hardware/software platform for micro-robots
2. Sensorial systems on board
3. External sensorial systems
4. Mecatronics
5. Programming techniques
6. Control techniques


7. Mutiagent systems
8. Micro-robot contests. Experience
9. Non-teaching micro-robot applications
10. Theaching applications.
11. Others: nano-robots, special applications,


Important dates:

Updated (2/1/2003)

Abstracts collection: The period of time to collect the abstracts is extended up to the 30th of January 2003.
Acceptance notification: 28th of February 2003.
Definite works reception: 20th of March 2003.
Format: the abstract must include a minimum of two pages and must be sent in unprotected PDF format.

Additional information:
General secretary services of HISPABOT 2003. Electronics Dpt., Politechnic-School of the University of Alcalá, 28805, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain. Tel.: 34-918856540; Fax.: 34-918856591